So…One Word for 2017

No annual goals, no new year’s resolutions here for me. For the second year running, I am taking on a fuzzy beacon*. A big contextual word that makes me think differently about how I project myself into the year ahead. You may not get it, you may think, what the hell does that mean? Actually, it doesn’t matter what you think, because what my fuzzy beacon means really only matters to me. But read on if you dare!

One Word which you live with through the year. Something distinct!

A fuzzy beacon is like a light to pull you back on track, and to keep you true to your intentions should you waiver. Last year my word was Brave. It was about being brave, making tough decisions and seizing opportunities. This year my word is a bit bolder, aha it’s braver. A fuzzy beacon is not meant to be easy, so I have deliberately made it a little uncomfortable for me. Because if it doesn’t challenge you, it sure as hell won’t change you.

My fuzzy beacon is ROGUE.

I have chosen an archetype word. Challenging myself to take upon the role of a rogue. When I’m stuck mud or feeling uncertain about the decisions I need to make, I will ask myself “what would a rogue do?”

Now Rogue is generally defined as someone who is a bit of a scoundrel. To me, Rogue has become redefined in recent times (e.g. X-men, Star Wars Rogue One). So, I see Rogue as the warrior who is on a quest towards development, progress and enduring relevance. It is the justice rogue who is bold and does not fear failure but embraces it to become anti-fragile. It is the rebel who knows the difference between rebellious reactions and rebellious decisions. It is a true fighter who can quell the impetuous urge and take hard knocks gracefully.

In 2017, being a Rogue is about breaking down barriers that restrict progress and achieving a great deal with strategic acquiescence. A rogue with her quiver, a ‘quiver of options’ – is a pioneering leader with a bunch of different strategic pathways to introduce and execute. Because with a quiver of options and meaningful progress and enterprise will outfox the Inevitable Kraken of Doom!

So if you like my thinking and you’re inspired, why don’t you set your own fuzzy beacon? Who knows what adventures you might have!

* Fuzzy beacon is best described by Dr Jason Fox click here to read more.

Or if this is just a bit too frivolous for you, but you are intrigued by the Kraken of Doom then I suggest you read ‘How to lead a quest‘ By Dr Jason Fox.